Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Side of Wood Artistry The Public Does Not See

To create a concept in wood, it is important for me to plan it first and then create some sort of drawing so I can visualize it. Drawings are also needed to determine a front and side view of the subjects in the concept. When I draw, I often times get so inspired that my drawings end up as completed Ink illustrations. Planning, drawing and finally illustrating is the part of the process the public does not get so see, unfortunately.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Doing more work on my next project: the Spanish Torero. Hand-carved in Basswood and painted with Acrylics.

Recipient of 2018 ArtPop Street Gallery. A picture of my work is showing on digital screens throughout the city of Charlotte. What an honor! Thank you to ArtPop, Knight Foundation, Adams Outdoor Advertisement and ASC.